Off to My Editor

Y’all, HEART OF SKULLS is in my editor’s hands.

You know what this means … ARC (Advance Reader Copies) are going to be sent off to my street team soon. Pre-orders should also go live soon! Eeeep!

That is so crazy to think. This whole journey is crazy to look back on.

4 years ago, the ending of HEART OF SKULLS started as a flash fiction piece for a fiction workshop. I almost didn’t turn this story in, as I was terrified to show anyone that creepy side.

Then, a year later, a professor in my next fiction workshop encouraged me to delve into that creepy side. Thus, I took that flash fiction piece and started writing the beginning HEART OF SKULLS for that very same fiction workshop during COVID. Even after we were all sent back home to wait out COVID, I kept writing and finished the first act of HEART OF SKULLS that very same semester.

Most of my time during the pandemic was dedicate to finishing the book, and I drew a lot of inspiration from a toxic situation I was in. While HEART OF SKULLS is creepy thanks to the serial killer element, a lot of my inspiration was drawn from a situation that a lot of women find themselves in.

Since then, this story has never left me. I’ve written, taken a break, revised, taken a break, finished the second draft, revised, taken a break, and now we’re here. About to publish.

Now, 4 years later, HEART OF SKULLS is going to be published and in the hands of readers. My mind is blown🖤

HEART OF SKULLS is set to release October 3rd, 2023 🖤🥀💀






Why Trigger Warnings Are Important